Lush and healthy lawn cannot be done itself it required special care and treatment throughout the year. To keep your lawn objects green, lush and health signed an annual lawn care agreement with Rising Green lawn care services.
contact at 0333560691
pre-emergent weed control
The best and easiest way to prevent crabgrass and other weed verities, pre-emergent treatment should be done when the night temperature at night time is 50 degree (for crabgrass). This is the time of seed sprouting. Application of herbicide at sprouting time can prevent weeds to grow. Spring application is very important to prevent weeds.
setting of right height of mower blade to control weeds
Short cuttings of grass make it weaker. Longer grasses grow thicker and prevent weeds, seed sprouting. Crabgrass and other weeds required sunlight to grow and long grass can prevent sunlight to weeds. Warm season grass mostly found in Pakistan need to cut 1.5 to two inches.
Adjust your soil ph.
Most of the grasses need 6.2 to 7.2 ph for health growth so for lush and health grass adjusts your soil ph accordingly.
feed shady areas less
core aerate the lawn twice a year
Core aeration is helpful to break the compaction of lawn and provide enough nutrients and water to roots of grass. The best time of core aeration in Pakistan is late summer to early winter and early spring.
Over seed the lawn:
Over seed lawn with ray grass to keep your lawn green and lush in winter. The required quantity of ray grass seed is 1.5 kg per 1000/sft. The best time of over seeding is September in Pakistan especially in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
Before aeration top dress you lawn with soil and compost or lawn fertilizer or required amount of npk after soil test.